Thursday, March 20, 2014

Jean Grey - Phoenix

If you don't know who Jean Grey is hit up her Wikipedia page ( She's a mutant and X-Man who got possessed by a big, fiery cosmic bird thing (for a while) that has way better taste in clothes than she does.
Getting The Look
Jean's classic Phoenix outfit is pretty easy to make. All except one of the styles are available at character creation. Her sash-like belt (Tech Ninja) is the only item you'll need to track down, and even then it's as easy as spending a bit of cash at the auction house. Way better than a rare drop you'll need to grind in the hope of getting.
At character creation you can use the Formal style as a substitute until you can get to the auction house or afford the real deal. If that isn't an option for you Tech Ninja style waists drop from the treasure chest in Ace Chemicals alert.
I use the Totem emblem because I think it most looks like the fiery Phoenix shape, and that's about as close as you're going to get in a DC game. There's a bird emblem, but it just looks like a bird sitting on her chest. The High Collar style is the only chest piece that let's you colour the top section black, an important part of the classic Phoenix look. Chevron Slimline gives you a nice triangular black section across the chest and shoulders, but also leaves you with spots of black around the waist which ruins the look.

The Gold Aura is optional, but makes a nice telekinetic glow when Phoenix is flying around.

Hair: LongHead: None, Face: None, Accessory: Gold Aura (optional), Shoulders: None, Emblem: Totem, Hands: Formal, Waist: Tech Ninja, Feet: Thigh High, Chest: High Collar,
Legs: Elaborate Slimline, Back: None, Skin: Human Skin 02, Primary Weapon: Bare Hands (Hand Blaster).

Palette 01: 0A3F00, Palette 02: DF4B00, Palette 03: 000000, Skin: 84402E, Eyes: 077404, Hair: 721C05, Makeup: B50000.

For body type I used Monarch Small. I always pick small for a character that is a 'normal' height and build since this was the original game default, and most older toons you see running around will be this height. If you want to go taller, go for it. For personality (or stance) Powerful fits Jean the most. You could go for Serious but I don't tend to pick that one much because it means your character is always looking down, which bugs me.

Power, Movement and Weapon Choice
Phoenix is all about Fire. There are a bunch of powers in the fire trees that knock people around, pulling them in or throwing them away. It's a good substitute for fiery telekinesis. Also, the more fire you have on your toon the more they look like they're wielding the Phoenix Force. Check. Flight is the obvious movement choice here. Phoenix is a flier. For weapon type Hand Blaster is a good match. Martial Arts doesn't fit and Jean was never much of a brawler. I think striking from a distance with energy beams and fire powers has a nice Phoenix feel to it, while Hand Blaster still allows you to jump in and do some melee damage.

Accuracy and Playability
Like Lisa Simpson says "Grade me!". Short of an actual Phoenix emblem you can make a pretty spot on Phoenix. I'm giving the look a: 9/10. Likewise the combination of fire powers and hand blasters beams feels comic book accurate but can still be a practical game loadout. You'll have no problem keeping up in raids or PvP: 9/10.

"I... Am... Phoenix!"


  1. Love your Jean.
    I would love to see how you do Polaris and Scarlet Witch. Wanda is easy, anyways I love the touch you give them.
    I made homages for Black Cat and Mockinbird too :P

  2. Excellent work.

    By the way, I'd like to request theses Marvel characters:
    -Black Cat
    -Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
    -Scarlet Witch
    -Lady Sif
    -Nova (Frankie Raye)

  3. Oh, I would like to add another hero to the request list:
    -Dazzler (Alison Blaire)

  4. Of your requests the following are coming up: Black Cat, more Scarlet Witch and a bunch of Dazzlers.

    I do have a Captain Marvel one, but unfortunately there is nothing that replicates her classic black bathing suit look at the moment.

    I haven't thought about Sif or Nova... But now I am!

    1. How are those Black Cat and Dazzler coming? I miss your entries. There's new hairstyles (Bombshell pack, Grannt Goodnes, Talia Al Ghul...) and new sets, you can replicate cool styles. Elektra for example. I hope you post some new shit soon!
